Coming so quickly after Christmas, hopes were high that the ‘Festive’ theme would entice a good entry to our first internal competition of 2018 and we were not disappointed as twenty-nine entries were received. The image above by John Tait was the overall highest scoring image on the night and took first place in Grade A.
These were the 1, 2, 3s in each Grade:

Grade C saw Neil O’Carroll on the winner’s podium for the first time with Ray O’Connell and Paul Stack in second and third respectively.
Noelle Lowney won Grade B by a comfortable 29 point margin from Keith Johnson in second followed by Denis O’Flynn in third.
Grade A was the real battleground in this competition with different competitors occupying the first, second and third berths at different times as the votes were recorded. In the end, though it was John Tait who took the top spot from Fidelma Read by a winning margin of only eleven points with Eileen Upton coming home in a very credible third place in her first outing in the Grade. The Grade A placings were replicated in the Overall first, second and third spots.
Well done to all our winners and everyone who entered, especially to those entering for the first time.
Click here to see a gallery of images from the competition. Enjoy!
See also:
How I took that Shot – John Tait
How I took that Shot – Noelle Lowney
How I took that Shot – Neil O’Carroll
Winners Presentation Photos
Competition Results and 2018 League Table
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