How I Took That Shot – Kevin Day

Kevin Day took first place in Grade B in our third internal competition of the year recently. The theme was 'Night' and this is how he made the image:

Kevin Day - Night Competition

Last year, when I heard there was a super moon on the way, I decided to head for Ballycotton. Silver strand seemed like a good option, the night was very calm, hardly a ripple in the water. I liked how the church was lit up in the distance and the moon reflecting on the water and of course the light house played it’s part.

I took various shots with different clouds, the tide was dropping quickly, eventually I settled on this one because it had the right light and the right cloud. I entered this shot because I thought it best matched the theme of the competition.

30 sec F20 50 mm ISO 250

Well done Kevin

See also:
How I took that Shot - Finbarr O'Shea
How I took that Shot - James Brady
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2015 League Table


How I took that shot by Finbarr O’Shea

Full Moon Guileen.I took this shot last October, on one of my regular visits to Guileen - a small village located in south eastern coast of Ireland about 20 min. drive from Midleton and 5 min drive from Whitegate in Co. Cork. I was very lucky that day to see a beautiful sunset and full moon.

I used a Canon 5D mark 2 with a Canon EF16-35mm 2.8L lens. I also used a Cokin 121, 3 stops graduated neutral density filter to balance the contrast of the scene, a tripod, and shutter release cable. I locked up the mirror to reduce camera shake.

Camera was set on manual exposure at ISO 100 for 30 sec. at f8. Focal length was 35mm. The image was shot in RAW and processed in Lightroom 4 where I made slight adjustments to contrast, sharpening etc.
