How I Took That Shot – Joseph Keniry

Joe Keniry came second in Grade B in our 'Christmas' competition in January last. This time around, Joe made it one better and won the Grade in our second internal competition of the year with the unusual image below. The theme was 'Curves' and this is how he made the image:

joe keniry-1

Having checked that my daughters were in bed and asleep, I noticed some wrought iron dolls-house furniture they had being playing with that day. The furniture had curves so detailed, that I could not miss the opportunity to take the shot.

As I was taking the shot, I noticed a dim silhouette so I tried using a torch which also created an arch in the background. After many attempts I still felt that it needed something, so with the help of two "Sylvanian Friends" who decided to have a tea party/picnic, I snapped it there and then! The torch was held in position by a €15 tripod and a G clamp. The camera was also on a tripod.

Camera - Nikon D7000
Lens - Nikkor - 18-70 1;3.5-4.5 G ED
Aperture - F 18
Focal length - 27mm
Shutter - 1.3 sec
ISO - 400
White balance - Auto

ECCG 'Curves' Competition - 03/03/15
How I took that Shot - Gráinne Davies
How I took that Shot - Catherine Millad
Competition Results and 2015 League Table



Beginners’ Course – Day 2 – 30/3/14

Kevin Day-1

The second day of the beginners' course was held in Midleton on Sunday 30/3/14 lead by Kevin Day and Michael Hickey. A short tutorial was followed by a shoot in a nearby garden.

Take a look at some of the results below. Mouse over the image to see and activate the slide show controls and view the photographers' details.



How I Took That Shot – Joseph Keniry

Joseph Keniry took first place in Grade C, and second place overall, in the recent Group competition whose theme was 'Decay'. Here's how the image came about:

16 Jospeh Keniry


"Delighted with result, thanks to all. I took this photo while on holiday up the west of Ireland."

"We went to Inis Oirr, one of the Aran Islands, where a local man brought us to a 1960s shipwreck called the" Plassy"... It's also known as "The Fr. Ted Boat"."

"The face-like feature on the hull had a rustic look which caught my eye."

"As our three young children were with us, I only got a chance to take one close-up shot with my Canon IXUS 70 (pocket camera), hand held, about 1m from the subject on auto."

"Well worth a return trip ..............."

See also:
How I took that Shot - Karen Fleming
How I took that Shot - Denis Barry


ECCG ‘Decay’ Competition – 18/3/14

Tuesday 18/3/14 was competition night for ECCG with the judging of the second competition of the year which had the theme, ‘Decay’. There were twenty two entries, each with an interesting and unique interpretation of the theme.

The results were as follows:

Above photographs of the winners and runners up with Chariperson, Denis Barry by Finbarr O’Shea and Fidelma Read.

See all entries below. Mouse over the image to see and activate the slideshow control buttons.


Well done to all who entered and to the worthy winners and runners up who each receive 12, 10 and 8 points, respectively, in each grade, towards the 2014 Photographer of the Year Competition.

See also:
How I took that Shot - Karen Fleming
How I took that Shot - Denis Barry
How I took that Shot - Joseph Keniry



Shoot at Youghal on 26/1/14

ECCG shoot Youghal-8230With a Code Orange weather warning in place for most of the West and South of the country for Sunday 26/1/14, it was touch and go whether another ECCG shoot would succumb to the wintry weather conditions of 2014 so far. However, following early morning consultations with various weather forecasters it was felt that Youghal might have a chance of a reasonably good day so the shoot was 'on'.

Seven members turned out at the Walter Raleigh Hotel, Youghal in a windy but dry morning and with high tide due at 12.48pm and a 50kph wind blowing, the sea was already raging against the rocky shoreline - a sure draw for eager photographers.

FOS Youghal. 097-3

Finbarr O'Shea

Following the short walk to the lighthouse, we descended the many steps to the 'diving rocks' where it seemed someone had taken the time to construct ideal photography platforms for us and, with the tide surging only feet away, it was a photo-fest indeed.

Having worked our way around to the front strand by 1pm, we regrouped at the Old Imperial Hotel, North Main Street, for lunch which felt well overdue due to the appetite inducing, fresh sea air.

After this welcome break in proceedings it was back to the shoot with a visit to the nearby St. Mary's Collegiate Church, a national monument of Ireland and which is the oldest church in continuous use since its foundation in Ireland and whose roof timbers have been carbon dated to the year 1170. The extensive graveyard is surrounded by the original town walls, complete with walkways and viewing points and they are thought to be the best preserved medieval town walls in Ireland.

Unfortunately, it was about this time when the weather took a turn for the worst and cut our visit short, but Youghal and the jewel that is St. Mary's are certainly on the cards for a return visit.

Thanks to Michael Hegarty for his assistance in organising the shoot.

Photos above by Bill Sisk, Finbarr O'Shea, Lorna O'Dwyer, Joseph Keniry and Denis Barry.
