Tag Archives: Competition

ECCG ‘Vintage’ Competition – 02/06/2015

‘Vintage’ was the theme of the fourth internal competition of 2015 held at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 02/06/15. Following two viewings of the twenty two entries, marks were awarded which yielded the following results:


Finbarr O’Shea was, once again, the winner of Grade A by a margin of 47 points with a fantastic steam train image made at Waterock, Midleton on 9th May last. Anthony O’Connor took second again while third place went to Karen Fleming.

Kevin Day had his third win of the year in Grade B with Trevor O’Connell again in second and Joe Keniry in third.

Noelle Lowney took first in Grade C while Jim Curtin and Catherine Millad took second and third respectively.

In the overall high scores across all three Grades Finbarr O’Shea, Kevin Day and Anthony O’Connor took the honours.

Well done to all entrants, especially those new members entering for the first time, and congratulations to those who occupied the first, second and third spots in each Grade who will get 12, 10 and 8 points respectively towards this year’s Photographer of the Year competition.

The image below is the overall winning entry by Finbarr O’Shea. Click the image to see all the entries. Enjoy!

08_Finbarr O'Shea

See also:
How I took that Shot – Finbarr O’Shea
How I took that Shot – Kevin Day
How I took that Shot – Noelle Lowney
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2015 League Table

ECCG ‘Night’ Competition – 21/04/2015

‘Night’ was the theme of the third internal competition of 2015 held at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 21/4/15. Following two viewings of the twenty two entries, marks were awarded which yielded the following results:

Night Competition Results

Grade A was a very close race indeed which saw Anthony O’Connor going into an early lead only to be pipped at the post by one single point by Finbarr O’Shea in the very final vote! Fidelma Read took third place.

Night Competition Winners

Finbarr O’Shea – Winner Grade A

Kevin Day had his second win of the year in Grade B with Trevor O’Connell and Denis O’Flynn taking second and third respectively.

James Brady took first in Grade C while Catherine Millad and RJ Mani took second and third.

The overall high scores across all three Grades were a repetition of the Grade A placings with Finbarr O’Shea, Anthony O’Connor and Fidelma Read taking the honours.

Well done to all entrants and congratulations to those who occupied the first, second and third spots in each Grade who will get 12, 10 and 8 points respectively towards this year’s Photographer of the Year competition.

The image below is the overall winning entry by Finbarr O’Shea. Click the image to see all the entries. Enjoy!

Finbarr OShea - Night Competition

See also:
How I took that Shot – Finbarr O’Shea
How I took that Shot – Kevin Day
How I took that Shot – James Brady
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2015 League Table

ECCG ‘Curves’ Competition – 03/03/2015

‘Curves’ was the theme of the second internal competition of 2015 held at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 3/3/15. Following two viewings of the twenty one entries, marks were awarded which yielded the following results:


Grade A saw some new faces on the podium this time around with Gráinne Davies taking first with a convincing 28 point lead, Denis Barry, second and Fidelma Read in third.

Grade B saw second and third in our last competition, Joe Keniry and Trevor O’Connell, move one place up into first and second with Kevin Barry coming in third.

Catherine Millad made it two in a row by winning Grade C while Davin O’Mahony and James Brady took the second and third spots.

The overall high scores across all three Grades were a repetition of the Grade A placings with Gráinne Davies, Denis Barry and Fidelma Read taking the honours.

Well done to all entrants and congratulations to those who occupied the first, second and third spots in each Grade who will get 12, 10 and 8 points respectively towards this year’s Photographer of the Year competition.

Mouse over the image below to activate the slide show and see all entries. Enjoy!

[slideshow_deploy id=’6387′]


See also:
How I took that Shot – Gráinne Davies
How I took that Shot – Joe Keniry
How I took that Shot – Catherine Millad
Competition Results and 2015 League Table

How I Took That Shot – Kevin Day

Kevin Day took first place in Grade B in our recent ‘Christmas’ competition.

This is how he made the image:

25 Kevin Day Christmas

I took this photo as the 2 year old was really engrossed in decorating the tree. I didn’t use a flash, so he was unaware of the camera.

As it was dusk, I included the window and the  nice blue sky outside.

I liked it because the expression on his face showed how serious this job really was!

F4.5      1/50 Sec        Focal length 35 mm      ISO  3,200

ECCG ‘Christmas’ Competition – 20/1/15
How I took that Shot – Karen Fleming
How I took that Shot – Catherine Millad
Competition Results and 2015 League Table


How I Took That Shot – Karen Fleming

ECCG’s Photographer of the Year 2014, Karen Fleming, started 2015 in fine style winning Grade A in this year’s first internal competition with the image below. Here’s how she did it:

18 Karen Fleming Christmas

I was at home shooting a Christmas themed shot of my mothers dog and my own dog when I received the text from the club committee that the first competition of 2015 would be themed Christmas. But none of those images were submitted for our first competition of the year. I discussed different ideas and shot them just a couple of days before I took my decorations down.

Every year my mum has a 10ft outdoor, fully decorated, Christmas tree in her front garden with large gold baubles so I borrowed one of them to place on the tree at home. I positioned it on the tree about the same height as my Santa Claus standing next to the tree. I then positioned the Santa Claus so I just caught his reflection in the bauble as if he had been captured leaving gifts under the tree.

I took shot using my
105mm F2.8 Sigma lens
F16 5.0 seconds @ ISO 400
No flash used
Lighting was just the lights from the tree itself.

Very little post production was done to the image – just basic levels and curves and little bit if cloning to clone out the reflection of my tripod and scratches on the bauble.

ECCG ‘Christmas’ Competition – 20/1/15
How I took that Shot – Kevin Day
How I took that Shot – Catherine Millad
Competition Results and 2015 League Table