Anthony O’Connor receiving the ECCG perpetual trophy for having won ECCG’s Photographer of the Year 2015 competition from John Finn ARPS
ECCG members and their families and friends gathered in The Midleton Park Hotel on Saturday 28/11/15 for the annual awards night. With competitions throughout the year feeding into the prestigious Photographer of the Year award, the build up to this night was palpable in recent weeks.
To add to the positivity in the room, we were delighted that ECCG member, John Tait had been awarded a Licentiateship of the Irish Photographic Federation, earlier in the day at the Distinction Sitting at Thurles. Richly deserved, John had worked hard towards the award in the last few years. Well done John.
Photographer of the Year was not the only award on offer on the night however, as best website gallery, best Panel, best in Category, best in Grades A, B and C, best New Photographer and Club Person of the Year also had to be revealed.
Judging was carried out by Mr. John Finn, ARPS, Mr. Bill Power, FIPF and Ms. Niamh Whitty, FIPF, ARPS.
Following a fine meal expertly provided by the staff of Midleton Park Hotel, the formal proceedings were opened by Competitions Secretary, Anthony O’Connor and, following short speeches by chairman, Denis Barry and special guest, Mr. John Finn ARPS, the award winners were announced as follows:
Best Website Gallery
Grade C: Noelle Lowney
Grade B: Denis O’Flynn
Grade A: Andrew Corkbeg
Best Panel
Third Place: Michael Hickey
Second Place: Finbarr O’Shea
First Place: Anthony O’Connor
Best in Category
Landscape: Anthony O’Connor
Seascape: Fidelma Read
Portrait: Fidelma Read
Nature (J): John Tait
Nature (J): Fidelma Read
Sport: John Tait
Macro: John Tait
Architecture: Anthony O’Connor
Travel: Finbarr O’Shea
Black and White: Fidelma Read
HDR: Anthony O’Connor
Reportage/Documentary: Anthony O’Connor
Open: Fidelma Read
Best in Grade
Grade C
Third Place: James Brady
Second Place: Noelle Lowney
First Place: R.J. Mani
Grade B
Third Place: Denis O’Flynn
Second Place: Trevor O’Connell
First Place: Kevin Day
Grade A
Third Place: Fidelma Read
Second Place: Finbarr O’Shea
First Place: Anthony O’Connor
Best New Member: Eileen Upton
Club Person of the Year: Finbarr O’Shea
Photographer of the Year
Third Place: Fidelma Read
Runner Up: Finbarr O’Shea
POTY: Anthony O’Connor
Congratulations to all award winners and especially, Photographer of the Year, 2015, Anthony O’Connor. Well done too to everyone else who entered as a point or two given in another direction would have seen some of these in the prizes, such was the closeness of the final scores.
A big thank you goes to the three judges who did a stellar job. While the important task of awarding points was their main function, their feedback is equally important as it is vital that everyone gets an objective assessment of their work which can be factored into the fine tuning for the future.
Finally, thanks to our sponsors (click on the links to visit their websites) for the night O’Leary’s Camera World, Oliver Plunkett St, Cork; Barker Photographic, Unit 18, South Link Park, Frankfield, Cork and Art and Frame, Model Farm Rd, Cork and also to The Midleton Park Hotel for providing a beautiful meal and surroundings for a memorable night.
Click here to check out all the images. Enjoy!
Click here for all the results in detail..
All images from the Awards night by Finbarr O’Shea and James Brady.