Category Archives: Guest Speakers

Charles Lee ASINWP Visits ECCG


East Cork Camera Group was delighted to welcome nature and wildlife photographer, Charles (Charlie) Lee, ASINWP, to speak at our recent Group meeting at the Midleton Park Hotel.

fox1A man clearly with a passion for his subject, Charlie is also absolutely on top of his photography game. As he scrolled through his slideshow and passed around some prints, the approval of the audience was audible and, while we would have been more than satisfied just to see the images, he was also keen to share the background to each image including the methods he used to make the shot including his favourite shooting locations.

In May 2013 Charlie gained his Associateship from The International Society Of Nature and Wildlife Photographers and you can see his gallery of twenty images that made up his entry here.

While admitting to his reputation as the ‘bird on a stick’ photographer, Charlie is much more than that as his portfolio spans all sorts of nature and wildlife from the great to the small, on land, water and air. His stunning images of shy animals such as the fox above convey the skill, patience and knowledge of the man while Charlie is also a fine landscape and seascape photographer.

abstract bird

Not content with the rich pickings of regular nature and wildlife photography, Charlie also has a stunning collection of bird in flight images taken with slow shutter speeds that really catch the eye. The resulting blurred motion captured in these images and printed on museum paper lends a fine art look and feel that is really pleasing.

With the high standard of the work on show together with Charlie’s obvious eagerness to continue to push the boundaries, one feels that a Fellowship cannot be far away. Well done Charlie and thanks for sharing your photography and knowledge with us.

Mouse over the image below to activate the slideshow controls and see some more of Charlie’s images. Go to his website here for more. Enjoy!.

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ECCG Welcomes Martin Janowski


East Cork Camera Group were pleased to welcome local photographer, Martin Janowski to our scheduled meeting at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 3/2/15. Martin gave a presentation of his work which is a rich diversification as can be seen on his website.

Based in Whitegate, Martin is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, specialising in people, interior and architectural photography.

Find out more about Martin at the following links:

m. 0851196916


Bill Power, F.I.P.F. visits ECCG


Bill Power, FIPF addresses the ECCG membership at The Midleton Park Hotel

East Cork Camera Group was delighted to welcome Bill Power FIPF, to their regular meeting at the MIdleton Park Hotel on 4/11/14. As current chairperson of both Mallow Camera Club and the Southern Association of Camera Clubs and having only recently achieved his Fellowship of the Irish Photographic Federation, we were eager to see his work and hear his views on the current trends in photography

Bill began with his panel with which he gained his Licentiateship of the IPF and then moved on through his Associateship and Fellowship panels, explaining how each image came about, the technical aspects of them and what the Distinctions judges said about them. Bill finished with a selection of fine art nude images of a variety of professional models.

Following his talk, Bill went on to speak about a recently initiated benevolent fund set up by the SACC for which they were appealing for assistance from camera clubs and photographers in general from across the country. Chairperson of ECCG, Denis Barry, said that ECCG members were more than happy to assist with the fund and had already supplied the SACC with a number of images for their recent fundraising sale. Denis then presented Bill with a cheque for the fund on behalf of ECCG.


ECCG Chairperson presents a cheque for the SACC benevolent fund to SACC Chairperson, Bill Power, FIPF.

Bill’s wonderful and insightful presentation was, in effect, a masterclass on preparing for, shooting for and presenting winning Distinctions panels and ECCG wish to thank him for coming to our meeting and for his thoroughness and willingness to share his knowledge and expertise.



John Finn, ARPS, visits ECCG


John Finn and Denis Barry

ECCG were delighted to welcome Carrigtwohill-based photographer, John Finn, ARPS, to our scheduled meeting at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 21/10/14.

Being a long-standing stalwart of the photographic community, John was long since on our wish list of speakers and, when he attained his Associate membership of the Royal Photographic Society earlier this year, it was definitely time to extend the invitation which he immediately accepted.

It is a pleasure indeed to listen to a speaker who knows his or her topic intimately, has complete command of the subject and can deliver the message with passion, enthusiasm and humour and this, in a nutshell, is what John delivered to us in his presentation.

He started with the trials and tribulations and eventual elation of achieving his ARPS Distinction and then moved on to show examples of his other work including the lighthouses of Ireland, art nude, travel, infra red, macro and street photography. All exquisite, all inspiring but none more so than the sight and sound of a person who has already spent decades taking photographs and still retains the enthusiasm to push on, try something different and see where the new roads lead.

Every now and then we photographers need an injection of inspiration to keep going and we thank John for providing it in abundance on this occasion.

You can follow John and see his work on his website, blog and Flickr gallery at the links below.



Flickr Gallery:


ECCG hosts award-winning Photojournalist, Mark Condren


Mark Condren

East Cork Camera Group was delighted to host Irish Independent photographer and three-time P.P.A.I. Photojournalist of the Year, Mark Condren, at our recent meeting at The Midleton Park Hotel.

Mark’s presence at the meeting was a long-awaited event and had been in the planning for some time. While we anticipated something special from the man, the fact that we were joined by photographers from Fermoy, Cork City and Ballincollig, all eager to see his presentation, heightened the expectation of the full house attendance and he didn’t disappoint.

Going through his slideshow, Mark showed some brilliant work: news, politics, topical, poverty, crime, unrest, sad, happy, funny – they were all there and from all over Ireland and the world. The images were fantastic but hearing the stories behind them brought them alive to a point exceeding their native two dimensions. This was not a surprise of course, as anyone familiar with Mark’s work, will identify with the unique perspective and intrinsic quality that is its hallmark.

A native of Castletownroche, Co. Cork, Mark worked with ‘The Corkman’ before moving to the ‘Sunday Tribune’ and then to the ‘Irish Independent’ where he currently works. An award winning photographer, Mark won his first P.P.A.I. Photojournalist of the Year award in 2009 and followed it up with another win in 2010, came second in 2011 and won it again in 2012. Considering that this competition is open to the top photographers in their field from the thirty-two counties of Ireland makes this a staggering achievement and speaks volumes for the esteem in which his work is held.

Mark Condren-1In 2012 Mark published his stunning, hard covered book entitled “The Guards: Behind the Scenes with the Men and Women of An Garda Síochána” – a photographic representation of twelve months of unprecedented access to the Gardaí (Irish Police) as they went about their daily work. Self-funded, the book was launched by An Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny, TD and all profits from the book were donated to Temple Street Childrens’ Hospital, Dublin.

The inspiration for the book came from photographing his father’s last day on the beat in his native Castletownroche in 2009. Sergeant Larry Condren served in the Garda uniform for thirty seven years and, as he followed his father around the village, it dawned on Mark that a photography book like he had in mind, had not been done on the Gardaí before and so the seed was set. Having been granted permission to join and photograph members of the force across the length and breadth of the country for twelve months, Mark set about recording their daily work and compiled a selection of images that really grasped everything from the seemingly mundane chore of operating a checkpoint in rural Ireland to the adrenaline-inducing arrest of criminals in inner-city Dublin.

The book was a resounding success and was sold out within a week! If you have a copy of it, hang onto it as it is out of print and not likely to be reprinted any time soon.

Following his presentation, Mark answered questions about his job and the reality of being a photojournalist. Being in a camera club environment, camera settings were mentioned in the hope that there was some magic formula that would enable us to bring home a shot approaching the quality of one of his. Mark said that in his line of work you must be ready for the shot so, while settings are important, they are not as important as getting the shot. “What’s the point in being precious about being in ‘manual’ and missing the shot”, he said and in that, I think, there is a lesson for us all, especially those of us who sometimes agonise over f-stops, ISO and other technicalities when what we should be doing is concentrating on ‘getting the shot’.

Well done Mark on an inspiring presentation, an enlightening talk and a revealing Q&A session.

Mark Condren-2

Mark with the Group

Photographs (except for Mark’s portrait at the top) by Finbarr O’Shea.