On Tuesday, 23rd January our guest speaker for the evening was Dave Harris, L.I.P.F.
from Cork Camera Group. Dave got a very warm welcome as he stood in front of us as he was known to quite a few of our members and his images were already known and appreciated by many of our Group.
He began the evening by demonstrating some “tricks of the trade”. He had brought along some props with him and they were passed along the audience. Sometimes all is not what it seems in a photograph. It was amazing to see and learn how to trick the human eye!
Dave then produced some portrait images taken by him. He passed them around the
audience and explained the different types of paper used in the printing of each one. It
was very interesting to see how the quality of the paper can make such a dramatic change to any image.
We were then treated to some of his wildlife and landscape portfolios. His images were
both breathtaking and inspiring and generated many questions from the floor.
It was an evening thoroughly enjoyed by everyone in attendance.
– Eileen Upton