‘Vintage’ was the theme of the fourth internal competition of 2015 held at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 02/06/15. Following two viewings of the twenty two entries, marks were awarded which yielded the following results:
- Winner Grade A – Finbarr OShea
- Second Grade A – Anthony OConnor
- Third Grade A – Karen Fleming
Finbarr O’Shea was, once again, the winner of Grade A by a margin of 47 points with a fantastic steam train image made at Waterock, Midleton on 9th May last. Anthony O’Connor took second again while third place went to Karen Fleming.
- Winner Grade B – Kevin Day
- Second Grade B – Trevor OConnell
- Third Grade B – Joe Keniry
Kevin Day had his third win of the year in Grade B with Trevor O’Connell again in second and Joe Keniry in third.
- Winner Grade C – Noelle Lowney
- Second Grade C – Jim Curtin
Noelle Lowney took first in Grade C while Jim Curtin and Catherine Millad took second and third respectively.
In the overall high scores across all three Grades Finbarr O’Shea, Kevin Day and Anthony O’Connor took the honours.
Well done to all entrants, especially those new members entering for the first time, and congratulations to those who occupied the first, second and third spots in each Grade who will get 12, 10 and 8 points respectively towards this year’s Photographer of the Year competition.
The image below is the overall winning entry by Finbarr O’Shea. Click the image to see all the entries. Enjoy!
See also:
How I took that Shot – Finbarr O’Shea
How I took that Shot – Kevin Day
How I took that Shot – Noelle Lowney
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2015 League Table