The 8th Annual Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk is happening on Saturday, Oct. 3, in thousands of cities all over the world. ECCG is participating for the second year in a row and will be holding our Photo Walk in Youghal, Co. Cork this year.
This event, dubbed the world’s largest global and social photography event, has grown immensely in size and popularity since the inaugural walk in 2007. Last year, more than 30,000 photographers of all walks of life and skill level converged to explore their corners of the world through photography and social community.
The concept of a Photo Walk is simple. Photo Walks are created by Walk Leaders in cities all over the world. Walkers meet up at a pre-designated location to spend a few hours socialising, capturing images and sharing with like-minded people. At the end of the photo walk, most groups convene at local restaurants or pubs to share their images and experiences over food.
In addition to the event, photo walkers will be able to upload their favourite picture to the popular Photo Walk contest for a chance to win a digital copy of the Adobe Photoshop Lightroom CC book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby. A Grand Prize winner and 10 finalists will also be selected by Scott Kelby himself!
Our Photo Walk in Youghal this year will begin outside The Mall Arts Centre at 10.45am and finish with light refreshments upstairs in The Red Store, Bar & Restaurant, on North Main St. at 2pm.
The event is for over eighteens, it’s free, but pre-registration is required. You can register at http://kelbyone.com/photowalk/walk/youghal-cork-ireland/ and clicking on the ‘JOIN THIS PHOTO WALK’ button or by clicking on any of the images in this post and complete the sign up form. Spaces are limited however.
This year, we encourage every photo walker to help support this year’s initiative to “Walk with a Purpose” by donating €1 to the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya, which you can do when you’re registering. This is completely optional but please consider it when you’re signing up.
Additionally, participants can connect socially before, during and after the event using the hashtag #WWPW2015 on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Connect with us on our flickr page at https://www.flickr.com/groups/2913317@N22/ and the world wide flickr page at https://www.flickr.com/groups/wwpw2015.
About KelbyOne: Formerly The National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) and KelbyTraining.com, KelbyOne is the leading resource for online creative education worldwide. For more information, please visit www.kelbyone.com.

Last year’s photowalk participants in Midleton.
East Cork Camera Group, based in Midleton, Co. Cork, is an amateur photography club, which exists to foster the art of photography in the area. We are very active and have had over eighty shoots this year alone. Our website, www.eastcorkcameragroup.ie, contains galleries from each of these shoots and much, much more.
This is a great opportunity for the people of Youghal and beyond to put the town on the world photography map so why not join us on this year’s walk? Being over 18, having an interest in photography (and a camera of course!) is all that’s required. Fancy gear is not a requirement – if a camera phone or film camera is what you use to take photos, you’ll fit right in.
See you there!