John Hooton visits ECCG – 05/01/2016

J Hooton Talk-1

East Cork Camera Group was delighted to host one of Ireland's foremost photographers, John Hooton, at our first meeting of the year at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 5/1/16.

Those present were indeed fortunate as John, accompanied by his wife Noreen, gave a master class on his photography, displaying print after immaculate print while dropping nuggets of photographic tips throughout. The images he displayed were shot mainly around the Dingle peninsula in West Kerry, which is his second home, and from where he runs courses and workshops for eager photographers from home and abroad.

As a founder member of Mallow Camera Club, John has held many positions within the club, and has been a committee member of the Irish Photographic Federation Council (I.P.F.). Presently he is one of the main adjudicators with the I.P.F. on their National Distinction Panel and has been a judge for numerous prestigious competitions.

In 2010 he was invited to join the PermaJet team of lecturers who travel the length and breadth of the UK and Ireland lecturing to camera clubs and photographic societies. In 2015 he was invited to Bristol, Cambridge and Scotland to lecture and sit on judging panels.

He is a Fellow of both the Irish Photographic Federation and Royal Photographic Society and in 2010 was awarded an M.F.I.A.P. - the highest award given by the International Federation of Photographic Art. His work has appeared extensively in salons throughout the world and he has done a number of personal exhibitions both in Ireland and abroad.

cover2Not only a multi award winning photographer, John is also a published author with two fine photographic books under his belt. His first publication, 'Gathering Light on the Dingle Coast' was published in 2012 and features 200  beautiful images taken between the 1980’s and 2012.

His second book, 'Dingle My Own Place' was published only recently. All the images for this new book were taken over the last three years and in it he takes theDingle My Own Place viewer on a photographic journey of the Dingle Peninsula from Blennerville on the northern shore to Inch on the southern coast. Many of the images were taken during the ‘magic hours’ of pre-dawn and post dusk when the available light offers opportunities that make the difference between the ordinary image and the extraordinary image.

Our night with John and Noreen went all too quickly and if we could, we would have stayed chatting and looking at images all night. It was the ideal start to another busy year for East Cork Camera Group which will feature many more guest speakers, shoots, competitions and workshops throughout 2016.

Many thanks to John and Noreen for attending our meeting and you can find out a lot more about John and his photography at the links below:


If you have an interest in photography and would like to find out more about East Cork Camera Group, click the 'Contact Us' link and leave us a message.






Club Exchange with Ballincollig Camera Club 7/5/13

Photo 07-05-2013 20 21 51On Tuesday 7th May 2013, Ballincollig Camera Club came to The Midleton Park Hotel on the first in our calendar of club exchange nights for 2013. A strong contingent arrived lead by newly elected secretary, Graham Daly who was accompanied by Pierce Coady, Cian O'Mahony, Denis O'Driscoll, Ron Giesbers, Ilinka Drieu and Margaret Beaty.

Graham began by apologising on behalf of their Chairperson, Pascal Lee, who was unable to attend. He outlined the history of the Ballincollig club and how they filled their year with various activities and competitions. He spoke about their involvement in SACC events and how they were extremely happy with their recent placings in the inter club competition.

Graham then introduced the first of their group to display his images, newly crowned Photographer of the Year, Pierce Coady.

Pierce began by thanking ECCG for the invitation to come along and said he was a relative new-comer to photography but had developed a passion for portrait and street photography. He displayed a panel of 10 images that drew gasps from the audience, each of which was accompanied by a story as to how the images came about.

This lighthearted banter relaxed the group and questions soon began to flow. As the images were passed around, members remarked on the shallow depth of field with eyes pin sharp. We learned that Pierce's favoured weapon is his Nikon D700 with a 50mm 1.4f prime lens attached. The high quality of the prints really enhanced the images, bringing out the detail in the shots. Pierce prints all his images on an Epson printer using Permajet Portrait White paper. He wrapped up by again, thanking the group for the chance to display his work and reiterated his love for photography.

Photo 07-05-2013 20 51 49Next up was Cian O'Mahony to show his successful L panel. Cian explained the concept of his panel and how he favoured the coast and landscapes of West Cork and Kerry to create his images, and how he was influenced by the style of John Hooton.

His images showed a range of pastel coloured seascapes dotted with close up detail, and wildlife images. He finished with a few shots taken on a recent trip to Iceland.

Graham finished their presentation with a wish that the two groups might again meet up before the end of the year. Tom Tattan, in reply, thanked the Ballincollig group for coming along especially on such a bad night, weather wise.

All adjourned for refreshments and a chat with some of the die-hards having to be evicted out of the bar to continue discussions!

Photos: Dave Edmunds
