Fastnet Lighthouse Shoot – 30/8/14

By Noelle Lowney

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The eagerly awaited sunset shoot at the iconic maritime landmark, the Lighthouse at Fastnet rock, a trip that was on the ‘to do’ list for many years – became a reality on the evening of August 30th last. Ten ECCG members descended upon Baltimore in West Cork for the evening boat trip out to Fastnet rock and, as the weather was on our side, we hoped for a great sunset. It would turn out to be one of the most memorable shoots of the year.

Prior to the boat trip we were given a tutorial by the shoot instructor, Baltimore based and international award winning photographer, Rohan Reilly. Rohan gave us some expert advice and guidance on camera settings and we also had the opportunity to view his beautiful images in his studio. After the tutorial, we made our way to Baltimore pier where we boarded the ‘Wave Chieftain’ , skippered by Jerry Smith, for the 45 minute journey out to the Rock.

Anthony OConnor-1As we left Baltimore Harbour we enjoyed panoramic views of the rugged West Cork coastline, taking in landmarks such as the conspicuous, conical, white painted Baltimore Beacon, rugged landscapes and cliffs, secluded bays and inlets, Cape Clear and Sherkin Islands.

Finbarr OShea-2En route the boat stopped momentarily for us to photograph seals, sea birds and other marine life which inhabit the West Cork shorelines. The appearance of dolphins riding the pressure of the waves generated by the boat presented its own individual challenges to capture the ideal/perfect dolphin photo - with their excessive pace, energy and sheer athleticism emerging to breathe and then disappearing under water as fast again.

As we finally reached the rock and lighthouse shortly after 7pm, the sight was awesome; what appeared to be so small from a distance 45 minutes before was now a majestic and photogenic scene – ‘the piece de resistance’ with the graceful upward curve and strong presence of the lighthouse itself surrounded by jagged rocks standing tall as it does so far off the mainland, located in open ravaging seas.

Matt Dornan-5This amazing 177ft high tower of Cornish granite stands on a rock 8 miles off the coast. The first lighthouse was built in 1854 and rebuilt in 1903 as the original building became too weak to cope with the often severe weather. In 1989 the lighthouse ceased manual operation and the last keeper left the island with the implementation of a fully automatic operation. In times past Fastnet was nicknamed the ‘teardrop of Ireland’ as it was the last part of Ireland that the Irish emigrants passed as they sailed to America in the 19th century, some never to return again. Its other claim to fame includes being the turning point of the celebrated Fastnet Ocean race – a 615 nautical mile dash from UK to Ireland and back.

We commenced our shoot of the Lighthouse and rock and our skipper was able to maneuverer the boat around the rock so we could take photos at different angles.

As sunset approached, vantage points were taken up, fingers positioned over the shutter buttons and all cameras were poised and ready to take the desired shots of this magnificent sight. We were not deterred by the rockiness of the boat as we tried to stay upright at all times and not fall over board, while holding onto cameras for dear life, navigating our way from side to side whilst dodging the spray of sea water. We were on a mission to capture this spectacular lighthouse silhouette against a backdrop of a splendid sunset and sea with fervour and gusto.

Some of us took a breather to sit and look in amazement at the lighthouse, admiring its appealing stature, gazing at the revolving lantern, gaining a sense of the colossal feat of engineering to place it there coupled with the workmanship that went into building it all those years ago. Not to mention the bravery and resilience of the keepers who lived on the island protecting sea vessels from disaster in the rough waters which claimed numerous lives. As sunset disappeared and as it got darker, the relative intensity of the beam from the lighthouse increased and we were back at our stations taking shots.

Denis Barry-11Once darkness fell it was time to return to Baltimore, all cameras were packed away and stories were exchanged about the events of the day. Jerry our skipper kindly made tea, coffee and hot chocolate for the weary photographers a welcome sight on a chilly evening.

The boat trip to see this famous lighthouse on a beautiful evening was a great and unforgettable day. The experience was a truly rewarding one and was well worth the loss of an evening on land. It is a place that will hold a fascination for those who were there with the added bonus of some great shots to be cherished until the next trip.

- Noelle Lowney

After you've watched the short video above, mouse over the image below to activate the slideshow. Enjoy.


Rohan Reilly Photography

