In our recent ‘Perspective’ competition, Zane Llewellyn took first place in Grade A, for the third time in a row this year, with the clever image (left).
This is how he made the image:
When I think of perspective, I immediately think of the “Small, Far Away” scene in Fr. Ted.I really wanted to use this as my inspiration, but unfortunately there weren’t any cows out in March and I was also missing a priest costume.Plan B…The first step in taking this photo was to move all the furniture out of the way, as this was the only floor that would look like a wall.
I took the photo in landscape so it would be in portrait when rotated which would help to emphasise the vertical lines and make it more believable. I positioned the table and chair while checking the framing, once I was happy with the basic composition I set up the books, picture and lamp. I only thought afterwards that I should have tried turning the lamp on!I had to handhold the camera as I was backed up into the corner to try and get everything into frame, I tried the flash directly and bouncing it off the ceiling but the dark floor was proving difficult. So, I ended up using a white umbrella just out of shot.I tried to coax my dog into the photo, but she didn’t want anything to do with it, so I grabbed the neighbours cat!Then the fun began, the cat was walking around wondering what was going on, while I shot a handful of photos. My model son?, my son the model played a blinder and he really made the shot. So a big thanks & some biscuits to him for that 🙂I used the following settings for the final shot,24mm 1/180s @ f/8 ISO100Flash – ETTL mode shooting through a white umbrella.
Fantastic shot Zane. Well done!
Click here to see a gallery of images from the competition. Enjoy!
See also:
How I took that Shot – Eileen Upton
How I took that Shot – Sonja Eisenberg
Competition Gallery
Winners Presentation Photos
Competition Results and 2016 League Table
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