Finbarr O’Shea took second place in Grade A in our recent ‘Summer Fun’ competition with this fantastic family fun moment. This is how it came about:
I chose this shot for the recent group competition “Summer Fun” which I took at Fota Gardens, where my two granddaughters, two sons and myself went for a picnic.
Soon after, the fun started with rolling down the hills on the lawn, racing one another and jumping to see who could jump the highest.
I was hoping to do some macro photography but it was not to be as I was nominated to take the pictures. At least I didn’t have to do any jumping!
A few weeks later I was looking for a shot for the competition and thought maybe the jumping shot at Fota might fit the bill.
Taken with a Canon 6D with a 100mm Canon macro lens set at f8 1/400 sec 400iso.
I shot it at a low angle to increase the apparent height of the jump.I then tweaked it a little in Lightroom.
– Finbarr O’Shea
How I took that Shot – Kevin Barry (Not published yet)
How I took that Shot – Noelle Lowney
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