ECCG member, Kevin Day, with Irish actor, Mary McEvoy
Top Irish Actor, Mary McEvoy (aka Glenroe’s Biddy McDermott) picked up her copy of ECCG’s 2017 Calendar recently at Day’s Eurospar, Whitegate, Co. Cork.
Sales of the calendar have been very strong this year but there are a few copies left which can be bought for only €5 at McCarthy News, Hurley’s SuperValu, Al’s Newsagent, Market Green, Owenacurra Pharmacy – all in Midleton. It’s also available at Day’s Eurospar, Whitegate. A portion of the proceeds every year goes to local charities with East Cork Rapid Response, My Place, Midleton and Ballycotton Lifeboat being among the latest to benefit.
Each purchase comes with an entry form to enter our free draw to win a family membership to Trabolgan Holiday Village for the 2017 season and there’s still time to enter.