Daily Archives: 07/02/2016

Sunrise Shoot – Ballytrasna – 07/02/2016

SR Ballytrasna 07-02-16 JTait-6

With sunrise creeping ever closer to 8am, it was an early rise to make the 7am meeting time at Ballycotton. Traversing the cliff walk to Ballytrasna in practically pitch darkness was a new experience but all got there in one piece to find the tide, that was supposed to be well out, crashing around the rocks and leaving little or no dry land. The approaching storm Imogen was probably behind the raging surf which sent rogue waves towards us at regular intervals filling several pairs of boots in the process!

This spot is very rocky with no sand to speak of and so, was a very different scene to what we’d photographed so far this year. The forecast was again spot on giving reasonably clear skies at sunrise with some light cloud that lit up as the sun rose behind it.

The shoot was a success in many ways, not least in the exercise and fresh air we received as a bonus to the actual photographic content. By 9am the good light was well gone so we called time on our eight shoot of the year and headed home to examine the files.

Click here to see a gallery of images from the shoot. Enjoy!
More images here.

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