Monthly Archives: January 2016

How I took that Shot – R.J. Mani

01_RJ Mani - Winter

R.J. Mani took first place in Grade B in our recent ‘Winter’ competition with the clever shot above. This is how he made the image:

After announcement for winter competition for January I was a bit stuck, as for me winter was always snow and ice and this was impossible for me as we only got flood and rain here. After brain storming and internet search I decided to do a indoor shoot in front of the fire which we do in winter time here.

For this composition few things were needed like bottle of wine, winter feel looking socks and beautiful fireplace and fire. My wife and I manage to get all in order and used studio light shooting from the right back. Camera was placed in line with the middle of the fireplace with 50 mm lens tethering straight to the laptop in Lightroom. The camera was also placed on tripod with 2-second timer. After some trial and error I managed to get the right shot I wanted.

The image was processed in Lightroom with a minimal touch of clarity, contrast, temperature and crop.

Camera: Canon 6D, EF 50mm F/1.8 STM

Setting : Manual mode, 1/5 sec at f/8.0 ISO 640, centre weighted metering, Manual focus.

– R.J. Mani

See also:
How I took that Shot – Fidelma Read
How I took that Shot – Keith Johnson
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2016 League Table 

How I took that Shot – Keith Johnson

13_Keith Johnson - Winter

Keith Johnson took first place in Grade C in our recent ‘Winter’ competition with the beautiful landscape shot above. This is how he made the image:

The photo was taken on 2016/01/07. I had a couple of hours to spare in Killarney and luckily found I had the camera in the boot of the car. I headed up to Ladies View thinking the snow and sun would be better there but there was only a sparse covering so I headed back down and stopped at a flooded Long Range, to take a quick look.

It has never been my favorite place but it looked good so took the camera out and waded out till I could find a good view. I waited for the sun to show in the background and quickly took one handheld shot. My feet were freezing by now so I skipped back to the car pretty quickly!

Taken about 2 pm with a Canon 650d.. lens 18-55 ..f22, 1/13,100 ISO

– Keith Johnson

See also:
How I took that Shot – Fidelma Read
How I took that Shot – R.J. Mani
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2016 League Table 

ECCG ‘Winter’ Competition – 19/01/2016

‘Winter’ was the theme of the first internal competition of 2016 held at the Midleton Park Hotel on Tuesday 19/01/16. Following two viewings of the eighteen entries, marks were awarded which yielded the following results:



Fidelma Read took first place in Grade A with an outstanding portrait while Denis Barry was second and Anthony O’Connor, third, beating Finbarr O’Shea to the spot on the very last vote.

RJ Mani continued his winning streak by coming first in Grade B beating Joe Keniry and Noelle Lowney who came second and third respectively.

Keith Johnson came first in Grade C with a fine winter landscape from Killarney while Magda Mani and Jim Curtin took the second and third spots.

In the overall high scores across all three Grades, the Grade A results were replicated with Fidelma Read, Denis Barry and Anthony O’Connor taking the honours.

Well done to all entrants, especially those new members entering for the first time, and congratulations to those who gained valuable points towards this year’s Photographer of the Year competition.

The image below is the winning entry in Grade A by Fidelma Read. Click the image to see all the entries. Enjoy!

11_Fidelma Read - Winter

See also:
How I took that Shot – Fidelma Read
How I took that Shot – R.J. Mani
How I took that Shot – Keith Johnson
Competition Gallery
Competition Results and 2016 League Table

Killeagh Point to Point – 17/01/2016

Killeagh p2p DOFlynn-2

The fourth ECCG shoot of 2016 was at the Knockane track outside Killeagh in East Cork where the Killeagh Harriers annual P2P meeting was held for the fourth consecutive year.  Despite the rain, cold elements and mucky conditions the event was well supported and attracted a huge crowd from the local area and beyond. There were six races on the day with from 3 to 21 horses competing in each race covering a 9 circuit course over a 3 mile  distance. The last race of the day saw 21 horses compete.

ECCG members were on hand suitably attired in wellingtons and warm clothing to capture some challenging action images. Some horses fell at the second and last fences in their pursuit of victory. Fortunately all riders walked away unscathed and horses survived the falls.

The last race of the day saw 3 horses running having unseated their riders,  completing the 3 mile distance with the other horses and jockeys.

Some great images were captured on the day including the jockeys and horses in the parading area and jumping over the second and third fence up on the hill area of the track.

Click here to see a gallery of images from the day. Enjoy!

If you have an interest in photography and would like to find out more about East Cork Camera Group, click the ‘Contact Us’ link and leave us a message.


Sunrise at Ballycroneen – 16/01/2016

Sunrise Ballycroneen 160116DBarry-5

While sunrise continues to hover around the ‘sensible’ time of 8.30am, we headed to Ballycroneen in the hope of catching some colour on Saturday 16/1/16.

Thankfully the -5ºC forecast missed the East Cork area and we were able to travel in safety to our destination before setting up at around 8am as the tide filled around the beach and rocks.

Cloud was thick on the horizon which prevented a dazzling sunrise but, nevertheless, some colour and shafts of light appeared for the briefest of moments which yielded some decent photographs and sent us off reasonably happy with our early morning shoot.

See some images from the shoot here. Enjoy!

If you have an interest in photography and would like to find out more about East Cork Camera Group, click the ‘Contact Us’ link and leave us a message.