Daily Archives: 19/01/2016

Killeagh Point to Point – 17/01/2016

Killeagh p2p DOFlynn-2

The fourth ECCG shoot of 2016 was at the Knockane track outside Killeagh in East Cork where the Killeagh Harriers annual P2P meeting was held for the fourth consecutive year.  Despite the rain, cold elements and mucky conditions the event was well supported and attracted a huge crowd from the local area and beyond. There were six races on the day with from 3 to 21 horses competing in each race covering a 9 circuit course over a 3 mile  distance. The last race of the day saw 21 horses compete.

ECCG members were on hand suitably attired in wellingtons and warm clothing to capture some challenging action images. Some horses fell at the second and last fences in their pursuit of victory. Fortunately all riders walked away unscathed and horses survived the falls.

The last race of the day saw 3 horses running having unseated their riders,  completing the 3 mile distance with the other horses and jockeys.

Some great images were captured on the day including the jockeys and horses in the parading area and jumping over the second and third fence up on the hill area of the track.

Click here to see a gallery of images from the day. Enjoy!

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