Daily Archives: 09/12/2015

ECCG Presentation to My Place

presentation with calendar

ECCG presentation to My Place, Midleton (l to r) James Brady and Anthony O’Connor, ECCG, Denis Ring, My Place, Denis Barry, Noelle Lowney and Kevin Day, ECCG

When East Cork Camera Group looked around this year for a worthy charity to make a donation from the sale of our 2016 Calendar, we looked no further than Midleton’s new Youth and Community Facility, My Place, located at the old Fire Station building near the roundabout. On Tuesday 8/12/15, we were delighted to attend the new facility where we met the My Place chairman, Denis Ring, who gave us a tour of the building and told us how it came about and their plans for the future.


Opened only in 2015, it has been fifteen years in the making and, since an investment in youth is an investment in the future, it ranks as one of the most exciting developments in the area in quite a while.

A 2007 SECAD commissioned report ‘Where do you go when you go out?’ identified that there was no place that teenagers could call ‘their space’ so, in 2010, a small group of people got together to see if this need could be met.

It took almost four years to clear all the hurdles – securing the building and financial backing, appointing an architect and project manager, obtaining a lease, getting various preliminary environmental reports, securing planning permission and appointing a contractor.

These were achieved with the backing of the then Midleton Town Council (later East Cork Municipal District of Cork County Council), SECAD, Clann Credo (a Community Finance Organisation) and numerous individuals and organisations who provided advice and help often at no or reduced charge.

Fundraising began in January 2014 and from the outset was supported by the people of Midleton, Community organisations and local businesses.

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Work began on refurbishing and extending the Old Fire Station in June 2014 and was completed in April 2015. The Centre opened in May 2015 with Cloyne Diocesan Youth Services (CDYS) providing youth services in a dedicated youth café/drop-in centre at the town end of the building with a Leader’s room, café, recreation area, music room and arts space.

The MY PLACE committee provides the overall management of the Centre which is staffed by volunteers and Community Employment personnel. It includes a reception area suitable for art exhibitions, a café at the rear opening onto a pleasant courtyard, a hall for large gatherings and a number of meeting rooms. These facilities are available to rent by community groups and individuals.

Midleton My Place Ltd. is a company limited by guarantee (CRO no. 520799), not having share capital. It is a registered charity (reg. no. 20083663; CHY 20993) All proceeds go to reducing the capital debt and to cover running costs.

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My Place was officially opened on September 19th but has seen usage since midsummer e.g. music, dance, fitness, speech & drama, computer classes, counselling and physiotherapy, historical talks, sports group meetings, Christmas Craft Fair etc.

The support of the people of Midleton has been crucial in the creation of this new facility and its ongoing success depends on volunteers without whom the Centre could not operate.

New volunteers (Garda Vetting and training provided) are always welcome who, no doubt, will find it a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Front Cover Calendar 2016

East Cork Camera Group is delighted to support the great work being done at My Place and would, in turn, like to thank everyone who support us by buying our annual calendar which is currently for sale at the unbelievably low price of only €5 at the following outlets:

Hurley’s Supervalu, Midleton; Day’s Eurospar, Whitegate; Murphy’s Pharmacy, Riversdale Shopping Centre; McCarthy’s Newsagent, Main Street, Midleton; O’Briens Sandwich Café, Main St; Owenacurra Pharmacy, Main St; Al’s Newsagent, Market Green, Ballyseedy Home and Garden Centre, Fota Retail Park, Carrigtwohill and from any member of East Cork Camera Group.

The message from My Place is that it is open and operating and welcomes everyone to their new facility.

Check out more on My Place here:
Tel: 0214621547
Mobile: 086 393 4848
Email: myplacemidleton@gmail.com
Website: www.myplacemidleton.ie
Facebook: My Place Midleton