1.0 The name of the club shall be the East Cork Camera Group, herein referred to as the Group.
2.0: Aims & Objectives:
2.1: To promote the knowledge and photographic skills of the members and provide a forum for interaction with others of similar interest.
2.2: To facilitate education in ideas, techniques and equipment.
2.3: To organise lectures, workshops, demonstrations, group outings and other events for the benefit of all members.
2.4: To promote and foster relationships with other camera clubs and societies at both national and international level.
2.5: To maintain membership of and pay subscriptions to the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF), Southern Association of Camera Clubs (SACC) and any Organisation both national and international which is in the nature of a confederation of photographic clubs and societies.
2.6: To enter into photographic competitions at club, national and international level and to pursue accreditations in photography from the Irish Photographic Federation and other international bodies.
2.7: To share our talents with individuals and organisations in our community.
2.8: The Group shall annually submit to the National Secretary of the Irish Photographic Federation the names, addresses and contact details of the society’s executive officers following the AGM.
3.0 : Affiliation
3.1: The Group shall be affiliated to the Irish Photographic Federation (IPF) through the Southern Association of Camera Clubs and will observe their rules, recognise their awards and follow their guidelines in all its photographic activities.
4.0: Membership
4.1: East Cork Camera Group reserves the right to refuse admission to membership.
4.2: Membership is open to anyone who is 18 years of age or over, who completes an application form, who pays the annual membership fee and abides by the Group Constitution and Code of Conduct. The maximum membership total number for the year will be decided at each A.G.M., in line with the practical manageable capacity of the Group. When membership has reached the designated maximum all applicants for membership will be placed on a Waiting List.
4.3: In the case of prospective members transferring from another Photography Club affiliated to the IPF, the maximum number who may be admitted to membership from any one specific Club in any Club year shall be three (3).
4.4: The Group is strictly apolitical and non-discriminatory.
4.5: A person may not take part in any competitions, outings or exhibitions in the name of the Group, Nor can they vote on any issues until such time as the membership fee has been paid in full.
4.6: Group will maintain a register of its members.
4.7: In each Group year the Committee shall determine the amount of the membership fee to be paid by each member in respect of the following Group year. The determination of that figure shall be an item of business for the Annual General Meeting [AGM].
4.8: The annual Membership fee agreed at the A.G.M. shall become due within one month of the date of the AGM or by the first Group meeting held after the AGM whichever is first. In the case of new Applicants, membership fee shall become payable one month after being accepted as a member.
4.9: Membership shall be for each year from the 1st January or from the date of joining until Dec 31st in the same year.
4.10: A committee member who wishes to retire from the Group shall give written notice to the Secretary of the Group. A member who retires from the Group during the Group year shall not be entitled to a refund of any part of his / her membership fee.
4.11: If a member shall fail to pay his or her membership fee by the due date, the member will be notified by email and / or text of the outstanding membership fee due 7 days after due date. If after the next scheduled live Group meeting the fee is still not paid, they shall be deemed to have retired from the Group. The member’s name will be removed from the register of members. In the case of a member deemed retired but wishes to re-join they will be required to submit a fresh Application for membership.
4.12: Membership shall cease under a disciplinary dismissal ruling by the Committee.
Disciplinary Procedure – East Cork Camera Group
It is the policy of East Cork Camera Group to maintain an environment in which members can be productive, expect fair and equitable treatment, and enjoy pleasant conditions. The Group expects to receive mature, responsible conduct from members toward the group and their fellow members.
The disciplinary procedure is seen as a positive matter. Such a procedure helps to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and consistently. Where a member’s conduct warrants disciplinary action, the following procedure will apply, except in cases of misconduct attracting summary dismissal.
1: Verbal Warning: The member will initially be given a verbal warning by the Chairperson. This warning will be recorded on the member’s record for a period of 12 months.
2: Written Warning: In the event of the required improvement not taking place, the member will be issued with a formal written warning. This letter will also warn the member that continued failure to improve may result in further disciplinary action up to and including removal as a member of the ECCG. A copy of this letter will be on the member’s file for a period of 12 months.
3. Dismissal: If, following a written warning, the member’s conduct has not improved, the member will be removed as a member of the ECCG. At all stages in the above procedure the member will be given an opportunity to provide an explanation for their behaviour. They will be told what course of action must be taken for improvement.
5.0: Membership – Suspension Expulsion:
5.1: Any member who, in the opinion of Committee commits a breach of the Constitution and or the Code of Conduct, is guilty of conduct unbefitting a member of the Group, or has been guilty of conduct detrimental to the interests of the Group may be suspended by the members at a Group Meeting following an investigation by the committee. Such suspension shall require a vote of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at a Group Meeting.
5.2: Where membership of an individual is considered to be detrimental and/or inappropriate to the aims and objectives of the Group, the Committee reserve the right to refuse membership. Termination of membership or suspension will require at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at a Group meeting, on recommendation from the committee following an investigation by said committee.
5.3: Such Member shall be given written notice of and be entitled to be present at such meeting and to be heard in his or her own defence. In the event of suspension, the suspended member shall cease to have any right or interest in the Group.
5.4: No member or group of members may enter into any transaction of any kind wherein he, she or they represent themselves as representing or acting on behalf of the Group without first having been given permission by the committee to do so. If and when granted, such permission applies only to the particular instance and does not carry with it implied permission to enter into future transactions.
5.5: If the conduct of any member is such as shall, in the reasonable opinion of the committee deemed injurious to the character or constitutes a serious breach of any of the Codes of Conduct or in breach of the Constitution of the Group, then the committee shall give written notice to the member in question, giving full particulars of the reasons why the committee is of such opinion. The notice shall require the member within 28 days to respond to the particulars stated in the notice. The committee will consider any response made by the member. Following such considerations, the committee shall decide whether to suspend or revoke the membership of the offending person.
5.6: Any person whose membership has been terminated and who seeks to re-join the Group shall not be allowed to do so until all outstanding debts due by that person have been paid and the application is approved by the committee.
Grievance Procedure – East Cork Camera Group
It is in the interest of both members and the Group that grievances should be considered and settled as quickly as possible. The aim of this procedure is to provide a framework within which grievances may be settled at a level nearest the point of origin and in the shortest possible time.
Any grievance should first be discussed informally with any member of the Committee of East Cork Camera Group.
If the grievance is not resolved in Step 1, the grievance must be raised within one month of the issue occurring in writing to the Secretary in the first instance or to the Chairperson, whichever is appropriate. A formal meeting will be held between the member and the Chairperson or a nominated member should the parties fail to agree after 2 weeks. The aggrieved member informs the Chairperson / Secretary in writing that the matter has not been resolved. The procedure moves to Step 3.
A meeting will be held within 7 days of receipt of letter from the aggrieved member. This meeting will include a quorum of committee members of East Cork Camera Group and the aggrieved member. The Aggrieved member can be accompanied by a current member of the Group or a non-member who is not allowed to partake in any dialogue or take notes at this meeting. If after a period of 7 days from this meeting the aggrieved member informs the Chairperson / Secretary in writing that the matter has not been resolved, then the procedure moves to Step 4. Minutes of this meeting will be furnished to the aggrieved member if requested in writing.
The group will seek the advice of an external body/individual to mediate between the aggrieved and the committee of the Group. Should the parties fail to agree after 2 weeks, the aggrieved member informs the Chairperson / Secretary in writing that the matter has not been resolved. The procedure moves to Step 5.
If there is no resolution to the grievance the matter is taken to Arbitration, who will be agreeable to both the aggrieved and the committee of the Group. The Arbitrator will decide the outcome having heard both sides and their decision is final. In default of agreement on the appointment of an Arbitrator the appointment of the Arbitrator shall be appointed by the National Parent Body the “Irish Photographic Federation”
Meetings at each of these steps will be documented and filed on the member’s record.
Bullying and Harassment Policy – East Cork Camera Group
East Cork Camera Group is committed to providing all its members with an environment free from bullying/harassment.
All members will be expected to comply with this policy and the Committee will take appropriate measures to ensure that bullying or harassment does not occur. Appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal for, a proven breach or breaches of the Group’s Bullying and Harassment policies will be taken against any member who violates this policy.
The policy applies to members while partaking in all group related activities or while representing the group. The policy applies to bullying/harassment by fellow members.
Complaints Procedure
There is both an informal and formal procedure to deal with the issue of bullying/harassment in the Group. Any investigation will be completed as quickly as possible.
Informal Procedure:
It is often preferable for all concerned that complaints of bullying or harassment are dealt with informally whenever possible. This is likely to produce solutions that are speedy, effective and minimise embarrassment and the risk of breaching confidentiality.
Thus, in the first instance a member who believes that they are the subject of bullying/harassment should ask the person responsible to stop the offensive behaviour. If a member finds it difficult to approach the alleged perpetrator directly then a person should seek help and advice on a confidential basis from a member of the Committee of East Cork Camera Group.
Having consulted with the Committee Member, the complainant may request the assistance of the Committee in raising the issue with the alleged perpetrator(s). In this situation the approach of the Committee should be by way of a confidential, non-confrontational discussion with a view to resolving the issue in an informal low- key manner.
A complainant may decide, for whatever reason, to bypass the informal procedure. Choosing not to use the informal procedure will not reflect negatively on a complainant in the formal procedure.
It is recognised that it may not always be practical to use the informal procedure particularly where the bullying or harassment is serious or where the people involved are at different levels in the Group. In such instances the member should use the formal mechanism set out below.
Dismissal: If, following a written warning, the member’s conduct has not improved, the member will be removed as a member of the ECCG.
At all stages in the above procedure the member will be given an opportunity to provide an explanation for their behaviour. They will be told what course of action must be taken for improvement.
Formal Procedure
If a complaint cannot be resolved, a member may make a formal complaint. The complaint should be made in writing to the Secretary in the first instance or the Chairperson, whichever is more appropriate. Details to include are date when you are making your complaint, your contact details, details of the problem at issue.
In the interests of natural justice, the alleged member or member’s subject of the complaint will be notified in writing of the nature of the complaint and will be given a copy of the complaint.
A meeting will be held within 7 days of receipt of a letter of complaint from the member. This meeting will include a quorum of committee members of East Cork Camera Group and the complainant member. The complainant member can be accompanied by a current member of the Group or a non-member who is not allowed to partake in any dialogue or take notes at this meeting. If after a period of 7 days from this meeting the complainant member informs the Chairperson / Secretary in writing that the matter has not been resolved, then the procedure moves to Step 2. Minutes of this meeting will be furnished to the aggrieved member if requested in writing.
The group will seek the advice of an external body/individual to mediate between the complainant member and the committee of the Group.
Should the parties fail to agree after 2 week, the complainant member informs the Chairperson / Secretary in writing that the matter has not been resolved? The procedure moves to Step 3.
If there is no resolution to the grievance the matter is taken to Arbitration, who will be agreeable to both the aggrieved and the committee of the Group. The Arbitrator will decide the outcome having heard both sides and the decision of the Arbitrator is final. In default of agreement the Arbitrator shall be appointed by the I.P.F
Strict confidentiality and proper discretion will be maintained, as far as is possible, in any necessary consultation to safeguard both parties from innuendo and harmful gossip.
A record of all relevant discussions which take place during the course of the investigation will be maintained by the Committee of East Cork Camera Group. Both parties will be given a copy, in writing, of the conclusions reached by the Committee and will be given an opportunity to comment.
Action Post Investigation
Where a complaint is upheld, a disciplinary hearing will take place. The disciplinary action to be taken will be in line with the Group’s disciplinary policy. Should a case of bullying/harassment be proven then the Group will take appropriate disciplinary action. This can include a warning or other appropriate action up to and including dismissal. Records of any warnings for bullying/harassment will remain in the member’s file and will be used in determining disciplinary action to be taken if any further offences of the same or similar nature occur in the future.
Regular checks will be made by the Committee of East Cork Camera Group to ensure that the bullying/harassment has stopped and that there has been no victimisation for referring a complaint in good faith. Retaliation of any kind against a member for complaining or taking part in an investigation concerning bullying/harassment will be treated in the same way as ‘FORMAL PROCEDURE’ above under ‘Complaints Procedure’.
Malicious Complaints
If a complaint is found to be malicious, then the appropriate disciplinary action up to and includingdismissal will be imposed.
See Steps 1, 2, and 3 above as to procedure for dealing with a malicious complaint.
6.0 Honorary Membership:
6.1: Honorary life membership may be granted to past and present members for exceptional services to the society as proposed by the committee and ratified at the AGM. Honorary life members shall be subject to the same rules and have the same rights and privileges as Group members. They shall be without liability to subscription.
7.0: Code Of Conduct:
7.1: The Code of Conduct for Members of East Cork Camera Group is available on the Group’s Website and forms part of this Constitution.
8.0: Meetings:
8.1: The Group will meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8.00pm in Midleton GAA Pavilion , Midleton, or at such other places, including Zoom Meetings, or dates to be specified by the Committee from time to time.
9.0: Management:
9.1: Responsibility for management of the Group shall be vested in a Committee that will consist of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Honorary Secretary, Treasurer and Public Relations Officer (P.R.O.). These officers to be known as the ‘Committee’. This Committee will be elected by the general membership at the A.G.M., which will be held annually within the first three weeks of December each year where possible. Eligibility for election to the Committee is only open to those who have been in active membership for at least twelve months. Candidates for election to any office on the Committee shall be nominated by two members of the Group in writing/email or text to the Secretary one week prior to the A.G.M. If two or more candidates run for the same position a vote will be taken of the members present and voting at the A.G.M. All such elections will be conducted by a secret ballot with simple majority rule. In the case of a tie the winner to be decided by lot. Subject to the foregoing, the Committee will have the right to co-opt new members to the Committee in the event of any existing member resigning or having been vacated from his/her position.
9.2: The Committee shall meet as often as the business of the Group shall require.
9.3: The Committee may appoint sub committees and / or individuals from its membership to oversee specific duties and/or events. All sub-Committees and / or individuals shall retire annually on the date of the AGM or when the function for which they were appointed has been completed.
9.4: Motions for discussion at the A.G.M. must be received by the Hon. Secretary two weeks prior to the A.G.M. any amendments or deletions to Constitution require to be passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at the A.G.M.
9.5: An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be called by the Chairperson on a direction of the Committee on foot of a requisition of at least 15 members entitled to vote, stating the business to be brought forward. Such E.G.M’s shall be convened within fourteen days of the receipt of the requisition by the Secretary.
9.6: Any motion at the AGM shall require a simple majority and Motions at an E.G.M. shall be decided by two thirds of members present and voting at the meeting. The Chairperson shall hold the deciding vote in the event of equality of votes.
10.0: Finance:
10.1: The Committee will direct and control all expenditure of the Group funds. Proper accounts will be kept and a full balance sheet produced each year by the Committee at the A.G.M. All Group income will be banked in the Group’s name. The Treasurer and one other authorised signatory will sign withdrawals by cheque on the group’s account. The preferred method of payment will be done through online banking where possible. Method of setup of payments and authorisation shall conform to banking regulations.
10.2: The Treasurer shall receive all monies due to the Group. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all such receipts and payments and render such statements to the Committee as they may require.
10.3: The Treasurer will be required to ensure that the Group maintains adequate public liability and general insurance cover for its activities on the advice of the Group’s preferred insurers. However, all members participate in all Group activities at their own risk and no liability rests with the Group arising from any accident, injury or loss of any kind sustained by a member and or to his or her equipment in the course of his/her participation in Group events or arising from or related to such activity.
10.4: Any Committee member or member of the Group shall be entitled to be reimbursed the full amount of all out of pocket expenses incurred wholly and exclusively in the course of undertaking duties on behalf of the Group. No such expense shall be reimbursed unless the member who has incurred it submits evidence to the reasonable satisfaction of the Treasurer that the expense has been incurred by the member. Such evidence comprises of a receipt or invoice, or such other evidence as is sufficient to enable the Treasurer to be satisfied that the expense was incurred by the member claiming the reimbursement.
10.5: The committee will post the AGM actions, minutes & finance summary on the member’s area of the ECCG website for the group member’s visibility.
11.0: Competitions (Including Social Media)
11.1: The Committee will organise an internal Photographer of the Year Competition each year for member’s participation. The Rules and regulations will be set by the Committee for this Competition. Each member will receive a copy of the Rules for Competition and the Rules will be posted in the Members’ Area of the Group’s website.
11.2: For Competition purposes, all members are graded at the beginning of each year. All new members are assessed and graded when joining and will be asked to submit a selection of images for this purpose.
11.3: Grade A is the top Grade and is for members who hold Distinctions from the Irish Photographic Federation or comparable Body; or who are professional or semi-professional photographers or are winners in previous E.C.C.G. Photographer of the Year Competition.
Grade B is for those who have been members for over two years who do not hold a Distinction from the Irish Photographic Federation or comparable body or who are not professional or semi-professional photographers or are not winners in previous E.C.C.G. Photographer of the YearCompetition.
Grade C is for novice members. Having remained for two years in Grade C, members are upgraded to Grade B.
A Member cannot change Grade once the Competition year has begun.
The winners in Grade B and Grade C in any year will be elevated to the next higher Grade for the following year.
There is a minimum participation criterion in Group events to qualify for the overall prize of Photographer of the Year (refer to Competition Rules).
All images are judged anonymously by a judge from the Irish Photographic Federation and scores are recorded.
In the interests of transparency, all scores from a judge are sent to both the Competition Secretary and the P.R.O. and on the night of the Competition the judge will announce the score of each image.
All images are submitted for Competitions through the Group’s Dropbox or by email to Competition Secretary.
Full copyright of all images, held by the Group in its image bank will remain at all times with the member who owns them. However, the submission of images to the Group’s image bank and/or entering them in Group competitions by a member is deemed to confer a right on the Group to use such images in the pursuit of the Group’s objectives and the permission of the owner is deemed to have been given for such use.
In like fashion, the posting by a member of any image on the Group’s website or Facebook page is seen to confer permission to the Group to use such images in pursuit of the Group’s objectives while legal copyright remains with the owner of the relevant image.
12.0: Annual Calendar:
12.1: The Group produce an annual Calendar which is sold to the general public as a source of revenue for the Group as well as giving a valuable contribution to a local nominated Charity. Members are requested to submit images for this calendar each year. Each member is expected to accept/sell their allocation each year to help finance the Group.
13.0: Equipment
13.1: Use of Group equipment shall be managed by the Committee or a Committee Member.
13.2: The Group will not accept responsibility for loss of or damage to equipment owned by any members or third parties while attending meetings, workshops, demonstrations, lectures or Group outings organised by the Group.
14.0: Data Protection:
14.1: East Cork Camera Group shall adhere to all current data protection legislation in all of its activities.
15.0: Group Website:
15.1: E.C.C.G. maintain its own website at containing the Group’s programme, picture gallery of members’ work and other useful information about the Group. The Website will be built on the principle of sharing images and social integration and for purposes as decided by the Committee. The Group actively encourages its members to maintain his/her own Gallery.
15.2: The Webmaster, under the direction of the Committee, shall be responsible for designing, implementing and managing all aspects of the Group’s website and social media sites. He/she shall ensure the Website’s content is kept up to date. He/she shall monitor the Website’s technical performance, effectiveness and security.
16.0: Communication:
16.1: The Group use WhatsApp Group messaging, Email, Facebook, etc. to communicate with Members.
17.0: Responsibilities:
17.1: The Committee will produce a programme of events, arrange guest speakers and organise outings, projects and competitions throughout the year. The Committee will be responsible for the safekeeping of all Group equipment. Any member hiring Group equipment will be responsible for the safekeeping of same while in their care.
18.0: Dissolution:
18.1: A resolution to dissolve the Group may only be taken at an Annual General or Extraordinary General meeting.
18.2: If upon winding up or dissolution of East Cork Camera Group, there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any residual property or moneys whatsoever, the same shall be distributed in equal part amongst the registered members at that time.
The foregoing is the Constitution, Rules and Conditions of membership of the East Cork Camera Group and can only be changed by the wishes of the members at an A.G.M or E.G.M. of the Group.
Any such change will require a two-thirds majority of the membership present and voting.
Copyright 2024 © East Cork Camera Group & its members